(951) 393-1998



Have you been locked in or locked out of your residential or commercial property? Have you forgotten your automotive keys or someone has stolen them? No matter how severe your emergency situation is, contact us at Temecula Locksmith to get instant solution. Our team is well known for dealing with emergencies in a calm and controlled manner. We will never panic or let you panic when any security system or lock fails. We will work hard to troubleshoot the problem by doing lock change or reconfiguring the security system.

All the members of Temecula Locksmith lways make sure that you and the people you trust have access to your properties or vehicle by adding a world class security system or locks in it. We work for a well earned fee and we never try to rob you. All the people at Temecula Locksmith are skilled at solving complex problems in an easy manner. We are so confident in our services that we assure you that once you trust us in any emergency, you will not only hire us again but you will recommend us too. We are really that good. Don’t believe us? Contact us today and see for yourself.